3255 S Sweetwater Rd, Lithia Springs, GA 30122

Monday-Friday - 8:00am - 5:00pm

(800) 341-3325

Aluminum Extrusion Process

The foundation on which Peachtree Protective Covers has been built is structural extruded aluminum. Our entire portfolio of products depends heavily on aluminum shapes/profiles. These extruded components when paired with other extruded components or systems serve to form the quality products for which we are known with functional attributes that meet or exceed the architectural objectives of our clients.

The aluminum extrusion process used to create the parts used by Peachtree entails forcing heated aluminum through a shaped opening in a die. With the aid of powerful hydraulic presses, the soft but solid metal is pushed through the die under tons of pressure. The extrusion process might best be understood by comparing it to squeezing toothpaste from its tube.   As it exits the tube the stream of paste takes on the shape of the round tip just as extruded aluminum takes the shape of the die through which it is being pressed. Please follow the link below to a video that will provide more insight into the process by which aluminum is extruded.